The courses that Australian Salesmasters offers using the VET FEE-HELP funding scheme are all set at a higher level of education - either Diploma or Advanced Diploma level.
The level of knowledge, skills and coursework required at these levels is aimed at people who hold management or senior positions in companies. As such the study material and assessments can be challenging to someone who is unprepared or unskilled in these areas.
RTOs are obliged to ensure all new Learners who enroll in Diploma or Advanced Diploma level courses are capable of completing them.
To meet our obligation, we require prospective Learners using Vet FEE-HELP loan scheme to:
The LLN assessment is an evaluation that will assess your language, literacy and numeracy skills and ensure that your skill levels in these areas is sufficient to undertake the coursework involved
Please contact your Australian Salesmasters consultant to gain access to your LLN assessment which will be emailed to you on request.